You're so busy running your business that making sure you have a solid marketing strategy often gets pushed to tomorrow's To Do List. You're short on time and resources and need to know if you should you be focusing on paid advertising, social media, public relations, or your web's overwhelming.
Don't worry. Courtney Tritch Consulting is here to help.

Marketing Strategy
We'll take a comprehensive look at your brand and compare it to your top competitors. Where can you differentiate yourself? What do people really think about your brand? How can you communicate to customers more effectively?

Need some catchy copy for that new ad campaign? Or on-brand copy to freshen up your website? Whether it's a large scale project or simple talking points to help keep your staff on message, we can help.

Brand Audit and Research
Sometimes what you think your brand is and what your customers think your brand is are two different things. We'll develop surveys, analyze online reviews, and conduct qualitative interviews and focus groups to make sure you're delivering on your brand promise. If there's a mismatch, don't worry; we'll offer solutions to get you back on track in no time.

Project Management
Too busy to manage a project? Not sure what your marketing firm is saying and need someone to be the liaison? We'll work with your existing marketing firm, critiquing copy and design for your website and other marketing materials. A great way to stay in the loop but stay hassle free.
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Courtney Tritch is someone who gets things done without hesitation.
She shows up, thinks big picture, and expects the best from those around her and from herself. I found her leadership skills to be
unique and inspiring.